kansas city businesses

Covid-19 Updates

We recognize that you may be finding it difficult to run your business and we are here to help. As the community adjusts to the COVID-19 pandemic, the KCK Chamber of Commerce is working with local, State and Federal health officials, government agencies and elected officials to advocate for your support during these challenging times.


Past Webinars:

Congressional Forum, featuring update from Mayor & CEO of the Unified Government of KCK/Wyco David Alvey

Best Practices for Effectively Managing Employees Remotes by Haley Grayless, Founder & CEO of Vaxa Collective (Please do not re-distribute this recording without permission from Haley)

Coronavirus Task Force and Resource Webinar from Stinson LLP

KS Secretary of Commerce David Toland Q&A

Staying Relevant During a Time of Crisis – Valerie Jennings, Jennings Social Media & Martech

Webinar: COVID-19 and Business Updates from the KS Department of Labor Staff

Webinar: Census 2020 Update in the Face of the COVID-19 Virus

KCK Chamber Focus: Giving Back During COVID-19, a presentation by the United Way

KCK Forward Young Professionals present Speaker Series at Stockyards featuring Randy Lopez

Recommendations for International Safety Expert on safely re-opening your business

Congressional Forum, featuring KS Dept. of Commerce David Toland

Main Street KCK, an update from our NBRs 

Covid-19 and Business Updates from Mayor David Alvey

COVID-19 and Your Mental Well-Being with the University of Kansas Medical Center

Check out our #MemberMoments!

Additionally, we hope you continue to engage with us through communication. We are happy to promote you and the services you offer to our community. Have an update or promotion? Please email katelyn@kckchamber.com.