The Congressional Forum is a 56 year institution, and the Chamber’s public policy series, which features local, state, and federal representatives to speak about issues relevant to the area’s business community.
Title Sponsors

Member Guest Luncheon Fee
For Congressional Forum Members
$60/Luncheon (once monthly)
- This pricing is for Congressional Forum Members.
- *All monthly Guest Luncheon fees must be paid in advance through the on-line registration system by credit card only. (Members who have paid their annual dues, are not required to pay monthly luncheon fees.)
Non-Member Guest Luncheon Fee
For Non-Congressional Forum Members
$70/Luncheon (once monthly)
- This pricing is for NON-Congressional Forum Members.
- *All monthly Guest Luncheon fees must be paid in advance through the on-line registration system by credit card only. (Members who have paid their annual dues, are not required to pay monthly luncheon fees.)
Congressional Forum Membership
- Entitles Forum Member or Designee to attend monthly luncheon(s). Member and company also receive Congressional updates as well as other political updates.
Prem. Congressional Forum Membership
- Entitles Forum Member or Designee to attend monthly luncheon(s). Member is entitled to bring one guest to each luncheon. Member and company also receive Congressional updates as well as other political updates.